Sunday, March 17, 2019

Day 2: God Works in Mysterious Ways

Today's weather: A brisk 77° Partially cloudy. No wind.

Sunday morning began with Bible study and church. Once again, some people who shall not be named were late along with the people in her vehicle. As the story goes, they went to the wrong Grace Church (oops). The Bible study was about using our gifts to provide for those in the church. As for the church service, it was filled with music during the service and the fellowship afterward was a good chance to connect with members. After church, we had a very good meal of tacos, enchilada lasagna, carrots, and wonderful desserts. We canvassed in the afternoon for about four hours and then ended our day at the University of Arizona. A few of our favorite stories are below. After a recap at church, we headed up to Grace Lutheran - Tucson. This is the main campus of the church we are helping. We spent time with the campus ministry of The University of Arizona. We watched The Road To Emmaus and had a discussion about it. The night wrapped up with a game of Sting Pong (ping pong with consequences) and a plethora of bruises.

Highlights from the day:
  • Hailey and Gavin walking down the sidewalk and nearly get hit by a lady
  • Getting ice cream from a somewhat sketchy ice cream truck
  • Visiting the new church/daycare site
  • Googie getting a cactus stuck in her foot
  • Most doorbells are the Big Ben chime. Gavin sang the chime at a door (see video here)
  • Sam and Abby discussing the "Rich young kids with their loud cars and music".
  • "Hi, my name is Sam. I mean my name is Abby."
  • "I don't want to be put on the PETA watchlist!"
  • The lizard moving
  • Talking to the pastor of My Church
  • Hearing it snowed in Minnesota (and having nothing but clear skies and 80 in Arizona) :)

The OTHER Grace Church

The backdrop of the new church

The Heiman's Lizard

University of AZ Campus Ministry

Emily and Googie Canvassing

The approximate location of NEW alter

The sketchy ice cream truck with a Grace Lutheran Flyer on it

1 comment:

  1. I'm excited to have made the list of memories for the day... Making the announcement that it was snowing in Minnesota yesterday! I'm happy to report that it didn't last long and there was no accumulation. It also made it to a whopping 40 degrees and sunny yesterday!!
    Keep the lizards there, please!!
